Friday, 14 June 2019

With the Boys

steady pace
ducking and diving
on a mission to shoot
enemies dead

through the green arches
slippery paths of
muddy streams
droplets gracing our crowns

oh the grass snake, the rocket
the den, the bridge to 
the pond and beyond 
drip dripping trees

I am happy 
we all agree soaking wet 
drinking from the bark pool
 shadowy green beech

Monday, 10 June 2019

Mother Thames

alone with the three 
children like a little pack
moving in unison
chattering and capering 
safe in the world

down the slippery old steps
Mother Thames
swishing sounds of times
come and gone
tide receding, revealing

the three petals
beautiful and vibrant
delicate and present
in their existence
rooted firmly in the ground

harmony and balance
for now, for now
 love encircled by gratitude 
quietly I think, uncomplicated
still - like a pool in the moon

Thursday, 21 February 2019

What now?

what are these waves of love
this sense of gratitude

I have moved along in my journey
the fear of loss has passed
the desire for children and babies has waned

I now am stood on safe ground
I look around and I feel strong and big and calm
gone is the pain of times passed

the fat and sprightly robin bounces around joyously...
I nod and greet her in recognition

I look at my children with pride
waves of love overcoming me
excited about their growth
curious about the years to come.

as a woman
I feel there is a lot to be explored
a lot to fill and flesh out

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Great Mother

Great Mother 

you are - have been -will be 
all along 

through gratitude 
yet again 
I understand 

it is through their bony teeth 
those buds
 from my body 

I let go 
broken wings 
 and in turn 

your arms

speak to me
through the tree
the moss like fur

your embrace
deliciously gentle real 
sweet overarching bliss

your turn now
you say and remind

do as I do 

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Gratitude 2

births days come and gone
there is growth, of course
some of it welcome
some jarring and scary

birds in the garden
my faithful companions
coming and going too
reassuringly consistent

and in the quiet
with my self
spaces in my mind - open
and I feel that wave again


connection and meaning
love and light
the gift of the now
enveloping all that is


Together and Alone - journeys